Discover the real-world math behind Hidden Figures and its connection to RF engineering. Learn how Euler’s Method, a centuries-old mathematical technique, is still shaping modern technology—from spaceflight to GPS. Read more on the power of mathematical innovation in RF design.
Read MoreEngineers are known for their relentless curiosity and drive to make things better—but sometimes, that drive can be a double-edged sword. In this blog, we explore what it really means to have The Knack, how it fuels innovation, and when to finally say, “Good enough!” Think you might have The Knack? Take our quiz and find out!
Read MoreThe 1980s and 1990s were a transformative period in communication technology. In this post, we delve into some of RDG's most notable projects from this era, highlighting the technological advancements that set the stage for modern communication systems.
Read MoreFrequency Modulation (FM) is a key technology in the world of radio communications, offering a unique way to modify a carrier signal. Unlike Amplitude Modulation (AM), which alters the signal's strength, FM changes the frequency of the carrier signal based on the modulating signal. This approach provides notable advantages, such as better resistance to noise and interference, but also comes with its own set of challenges.
Read MoreHow do decibels work? How are decibels measured? How are decibels calculated? Check out our in-depth guide to decibels!
Read MoreIn the fast-paced world of electronics, where innovations quickly become outdated, there is a remarkable and enduring presence that defies the test of time. Read more about the crucial role of this retro technology.
Read MoreThe old adage “more is better” isn’t always true, especially in RF. Adding gain to increase sensitivity in a receiver may or may not be a good idea, but it depends on the circumstances. Read more about a real-world experience and how it was solved!
Read MoreWe take product reviews very seriously, especially those from a galaxy far, far away. So when we were fortunate enough to get our hands on a slightly used SoroSuub C1 personal comlink, we were thrilled as a Jawa finding an abandoned case of power converters marked for Tosche Station! Read our review!
Read MoreThinking about a long-term career as an engineer? Getting into engineering is not the easiest career path, but it can be quite rewarding. Read advice from our Chief Technical Office (and lead engineer) on getting started.
Read MoreWe see a lot of films feature radio technology as a silent yet pivotal character, so we thought it might be fun to explore (and explain) what some of these films got right, or maybe not quite right, with the portrayal of tech.
Read MoreSuper Bowl Sunday is coming up, and while most viewers will be focused on the game, or perhaps even more so on the ads, there is an important behind-the-scenes effort that goes on that is vital to the success of the entire effort. Frequency coordination!
Read MoreThe radio spectrum is a large and varied place. What do all those frequencies get used for, and what determines which ones are used for each application? There are several attributes that affect the choice… Read on to learn more!
Read MoreAt its core, engineering is a creative effort, and while there are many software programs that can assist an engineer with his work, ultimately it is the engineer who must create the product that is needed, or, perhaps even more basic, imagine the product in the first place.
Read MoreSooner or later, almost everyone in a business environment winds up having to make decisions about some sort of wireless or RF system. The big challenge is making the right decision in a field that has so much specialized knowledge. So how do you tell the difference between reasonably correct information, and total bull?
Read MoreLooking back at a valuable lesson learned on a repair job that became an important core value of Radio Design Group: learn and build on the past to create better and positive outcomes.
Read MoreAs Radio Design Group, Inc. celebrates its 30th year, I look back at all it took to get me to that starting line in 1992. Like Richard Branson, another disruptive entrepreneur says, “Entrepreneurship is about turning what excites you in life into capital so that you can do more of it and move forward with it.”
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